Bluetick provides an option to avoid sending follow up emails on public holidays. This is set by default for new Sequences and can be edited at the Sequence level.

Bear in mind that the actual dates where emails are not sent correspond with the federally recognized date of the holiday which may not be the actual date of the holiday.
For example, Christmas normally falls on December 25th, but in 2021, the federally recognized date of the holiday is Friday December 24th because Christmas falls on a Saturday.
To see the observed holiday dates, use this website.
For reference, the upcoming public holiday dates that will be skipped by Bluetick are as follows:
1/2/2023 New Year's Day
1/16/2023 Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
2/20/2023 Washington's Birthday
4/7/2023 Good Friday
4/7/2023 Good Friday
5/29/2023 Memorial Day
6/19/2023 Juneteenth
7/4/2023 Independence Day
9/4/2023 Labour Day
10/9/2023 Columbus Day
11/10/2023 Veterans Day
11/23/2023 Thanksgiving Day
12/25/2023 Christmas Day
1/1/2024 New Year's Day
1/15/2024 Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
2/19/2024 Washington's Birthday
3/29/2024 Good Friday
3/29/2024 Good Friday
5/27/2024 Memorial Day
6/19/2024 Juneteenth
7/4/2024 Independence Day
9/2/2024 Labour Day
10/14/2024 Columbus Day
11/11/2024 Veterans Day
11/28/2024 Thanksgiving Day
12/25/2024 Christmas Day